Monster Jam roars into T-Mobile Center January 13-14

Sep 13, 2023
Monster Jam roars into T-Mobile Center January 13-14
KANSAS CITY, MO (Sept. 13, 2023) –The most unexpected, unscripted and unforgettable motorsports experience for families and fans in the world today returns to Kansas City for an adrenaline-charged weekend at T-Mobile Center on Saturday, Jan. 13 and Sunday, Jan. 14. At Monster Jam, world champion athletes and their 12,000-pound monster trucks tear up the dirt in wide-open competitions of speed and skill.
The excitement begins at the Monster Jam Pit Party held in Kansas City on Saturday. Fans can see the massive trucks up close, meet their favorite drivers and crews, get autographs, and take pictures. This fun-filled experience is the only place that allows people to get up close access to the Monster Jam teams and get an insider’s look at how these trucks are built to stand up to the competition.
Kansas City fans will be on the edge of their seats as the world’s best drivers show off crazy skills and all-out racing in fierce head-to-head battles for the Event Championship. Engineered to perfection, the 12,000-pound Monster Jam trucks push all limits in Freestyle, Skills, Donuts and Racing competitions. The Arena Series West Champion will receive a highly coveted automatic bid to the prestigious Monster Jam World Finals® to compete for the title of World Champion in Los Angeles on May 18.
Monster Jam drivers are trained, world-class male and female athletes who have mastered not only the physical strength and mental stamina needed to compete, but the vital dexterity to control 12,000-pound machines capable of doing backflips, vertical two-wheel skills and racing at speeds up to 70 miles-per-hour to produce jaw-dropping, live motorsports action seen around the world.
WHEN: Saturday, January 13, 2024
- Event Time – 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM
- Pit Party open from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM (Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)
Sunday, January 14, 2024
- Event Time – 1:00 PM
- Pit Party open from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM (Event Ticket & Pit Pass required for entry)